Reference: BRO011
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the change of name of Illiers-Combray, the Société des amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray wished to pay tribute to the people who made it possible.
Fifty years ago, in application of a decree signed by the Minister of the Interior on March 29th, 1971, the town of Illiers became Illiers-Combray. A few weeks later, the hundredth anniversary of Marcel Proust's birth was to be celebrated, and this was one of the most beautiful gifts we could offer to his memory. On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of this event, the Société des amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray wished to pay tribute to the people who made it possible, in particular René Compère, the mayor at the time, and Philibert-Louis Larcher, founder of the Société, who was very attached to the city. This is the purpose of the present brochure, a modest milestone in the long common history between the city and the association, of which many chapters remain to be written.
Texts by Jérôme Bastianelli, Didier Caffot, Elyane Dezon-Jones, Mohic Lavergne, Bruno and Claire Saillant.
Cover by Stéphane Heuet.
68 pages
A5 format. 135g