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Collection of winning pastiches from the 2021...
17 pastiches.
Written in French.
Illiers-Combray brochure
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the change of name of Illiers-Combray, the Société des amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray wished to pay tribute to the people ...
Raoul Versini brochure
The Société des Amis de Marcel Proust et des amis de Combray has bought on October 7th 2020 a letter and a poem by Marcel Proust to Raoul Versini, of central interest.
Proust et la sexualité
Hors-Série Bulletin Marcel Proust - n°70
On the occasion of the Bulletin Marcel Proust's
Madeleine Lemaire Brochure
Paul-César Helleu Brochure
Cette brochure, éditée par la société des Amis de Marcel Proust, présente les acquisitions
Marcel Proust prix Goncourt 1919 exhibit catalogue
Catalogue of the "Marcel Proust, prix Goncourt 1919" exhibit.
From April 24th til August 25th 2019 at the Maison de Tante Léonie at Illiers-Combray.
Exhibit undertaken by the ...
copy of Recueil des pastiches lauréats du...
15 pastiches, 117 pages.
Written in French.
Recueil des pastiches lauréats du concours 2019
13 pastiches, 96 pages.
Written in French.